Environmentally friendly youth cross-country skiing cup.

It is time to pay attention to our daily environmental behavior! Today, humanity produces more than it can consume and takes more than it gives back. We face daily challenges of waste pollution, overproduction, food wastage, loss of biodiversity, and climate change due to greenhouse gases. We believe that every sector must contribute to moving towards a cleaner living environment, including public sports competitions and events. This is one of the main reasons why we have decided to set an example for other sports organizers in the future and organize youth cross-country skiing events more environmentally friendly than ever before!

Here we provide an overview of the areas we take into account when organizing the competition. Additionally, we provide tips on how you can contribute as well.


  • Disposable food containers, utensils, drinking straws, cocktail stirrers, and similar decorations are no longer used at events.
    All participants, such as athletes, organizers, and spectators, are kindly requested to bring their own food utensils (plate/bowl, cup, cutlery) for enjoying a delicious lunch.
  • Small-packaged sugar, salt, pepper, coffee creamer, and similar items are also avoided. If needed, they are served in appropriate containers.
  • When providing catering services, preference is given to food made from Estonian ingredients from local producers. 
  • When ordering food, quantities are calculated according to the number of people being catered to in a way that minimizes food wastage. 
  • Üritusel ülejäänud toit antakse päeva lõpuks korraldajatele kaasa või annetatakse kokkuleppel kohalikule toidupangale või mõnele muule organisatsioonile. Korraldajatele antakse informatsioon edasi toidu kaasa võtmise võimaluste osas ning kindlasti palutakse selleks kaasa võtta omad karbid.

    Miks me seda teeme? Sest ühekordsete nõude lagunemine võib võtta aega kuni 1000 aastat. Paljud ühekordselt kasutatavad plastiknõud on valmistatud polüstüreenist, mis võib kuumutamisel eraldada mürgiseid kemikaale ja need on kahjulikud nii meie tervisele kui ka loodusele. Ligikaudu 1/3 kogu maailmas inimeste jaoks toodetud toidust visatakse ära, millest piisaks 3 miljardile inimesele. Seda vett, mida kasutatakse äravisatud toidu tootmiseks, saaks kasutada 9 miljardit inimest, umbes 200 liitrit inimese kohta päevas. Kui toidukadu oleks riik, oleks see suuruselt kolmas kasvuhoonegaaside tootja pärast Hiinat ja USA-d. 



  • At the event venue, separate waste collection is provided. Bottle returns, organic waste, packaging, paper and cardboard, and mixed waste are collected separately.

  • Each trash bin is assigned a corresponding pictogram and instructions in two languages: Estonian and English. 

  • To ensure proper understanding, the waste sorting system is introduced on-site to participants and organizers.

  • To reduce packaging, products have been ordered optimally based on the number of participants and organizers, and suppliers have been requested to send items without packaging or using bulk packaging.

  • The event involves green ambassadors who have comprehensive knowledge about waste management and assist participants in segregating waste and provide guidance on various environmental matters.

Why are we doing this? Because the "produce-consume-throw away" approach has never been a sensible solution. Such behavior requires a large amount of materials and generates a significant amount of useless waste. This way, we cannot ensure the well-being of both humanity and the environment. Earth's natural resources are limited, which is why we focus on generating as little waste as possible and, when waste is produced, ensuring that as much as possible can be recycled.


  • At sports events, existing signs and promotional materials, which have been ordered in collaboration with sponsors, are used. If there is a need for updates, signs and promotional materials are ordered in a way that allows them to be used for an extended period in the future.

  • Existing banners and flags from supporters are also used repeatedly, and ordering new ones is done only when absolutely necessary.

  • Information materials are distributed to all participants, including athletes, without printing – utilizing the event's website and social media.

  • Results are displayed on screens during the competitions in a way that eliminates the need for excessive printing.

  • During the award ceremonies, athletes are not given bouquets of flowers but instead receive products from local manufacturers and sports equipment they may need. Medals and trophies are ordered based on the number of athletes and competition categories in a way that eliminates excess. Diplomas are not issued to participants in the youth cross-country skiing cup. 

Why are we doing this? Because overconsumption depletes our already limited resources. We produce more than we can consume and take more than we give back. In 2023, the world's overshoot day was already on August 2nd, and each year, it has moved closer to the beginning of the year. If everyone consumed sensibly and used what we already have, we wouldn't need a new planet. Therefore, it's important that we practice conscious consumption and utilization of materials when organizing these competitions.


  • During the pre-event information phase, participants are advised to share rides to the maximum extent possible – organize shared buses or pick up fellow athletes when driving. It is strongly recommended to avoid traveling alone to and from the competition venue. 

  • Motor vehicle use at the competition venue is carried out consciously and with prior planning.

Why are we doing this? Because the transportation sector continues to exert significant pressure on the environment and, ultimately, human health, including air pollution, climate change, and noise. The environmental impact of the transportation sector depends on three main factors: the number and length of trips, the modes of transportation used, and the technology of each mode of transportation.

Information exchange:

  • Information regarding the environmental sustainability of the competition is shared with spectators, participants, the media, and organizers both before, during, and after the event through social media, email lists, and clubs. 

  • Organizers are provided with information about options for taking food with them, and they are strongly encouraged to bring their own containers for this purpose. 

  • All printed signs are reusable, and preference is given to existing materials.

Why are we doing this? Because waste prevention, preparing for waste reuse, and recycling are integral parts of a circular economy. By using waste as a resource, it's possible to maximize the benefits from natural resources and reduce the demand for new ones. This, in turn, mitigates the environmental impact associated with the introduction of new natural resources and reduces waste generation.


  • Natural daylight and grid electricity are maximally utilized. Generators and similar equipment are used optimally only when no other alternative is available.

  • Energy-efficient technology is used at the competitions, and when possible, it's integrated into the stadium's infrastructure. 

  • Where relevant and feasible, energy usage is optimized to the maximum extent possible.

Why are we doing this? Because even unused but plugged-in devices can become invisible energy wasters, consuming what's known as phantom power continuously. Electricity doesn't just come from thin air; it needs to be produced from either renewable or non-renewable sources, often accompanied by negative environmental impacts. By consuming wisely, we can contribute to reducing this impact.

We also provide You with simple yet effective tips to consider when visiting competitions.
By following these, you contribute to our environmental goals.

  • Bring your reusable food utensils (plate/bowl, cup, cutlery) to each competition and take them home with you afterward.

  • Ask the caterer for a portion that you can finish exactly – this way, we can avoid food waste and overconsumption. You can always get more if you're still hungry. 

  • Always think carefully about what you bring with you to the competitions to minimize waste.

  • Please sort your waste by type: organic waste, packaging, recyclables, paper-cardboard, and mixed waste. This helps more materials return to circulation and reduces the team's workload and time spent significantly.

  • If possible, carpool or take public transportation when coming to the competitions.

  • Maintain cleanliness, respect fellow guests, and be a friend to nature.

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