Esimene etapp -
Stadium run

Enne kui suusad alla paneme, tuleb jooksma õppida!

Tartu Tamme staadion

12. oktoober 2024
Etapi lehele

2. ja 3. etapp -
Sprint Weekend

Enne jõule suuskadele ja sprintima!


14.-15. detsember 2024
Etapi lehele


Noorte MK hooaeg on edukalt lõppenud

Noorte murdmaakarika viiel nädalavahetuse seitsmel etapil selgitati välja Eesti parimad noored suusaässad.

Sarja avaetapp toimus juba oktoobris Käärikul, kus toimusid staadionijooksud. Enne jõule leidis Jõulumäel aset sprindinädalavahetus. Kolmandal etapil Alutagusel sõideti jälitussõidud, meeldejääv oli kukkumiste rohke suusakross Vooremäel.

Noorte murdmaakarikas kulmineerus 10. märtsil Haanjas. Viiest etapist koosnev võistlussari sai väärilise punkti, kui sõideti klassikalises tehnikas ja ühisstardist.

Vaata videost, kes on Eesti suusatamise tulevikulootused!


Environmentally Conscious Youth XC Cup

It's time to focus on our daily environmental behavior! Today, humanity produces more than it can consume and takes more than it gives back. We are confronted daily with waste pollution, overproduction, food waste, biodiversity loss, and climate change caused by greenhouse gases. We believe that every field must contribute to moving towards a cleaner living environment, including public sports competitions and events.
This is one of the major reasons why we have decided to set an example for other sports organizers and host Youth Cross-Country Ski Series stages in a more environmentally friendly way than ever before!


Our partner in the field of environmental awareness is: 



Read more about the areas we consider when organizing the competition. Additionally, we provide tips on how you can contribute.

the moment is now

Youth XC Skiing Cup 2023/24

These are the stages scheduled for this season in the Youth Cross-Country Skiing Series:

Stadium run

No, there is no mistake. This season, the Youth Ski Series will start in running shoes on a 400m athletics track.

Date: 15.10.2023
Location: Kääriku Stadium

Sprint Weekend

Before Christmas, we will set the skis to Pärnumaa to compete both individually and in team cross-country skiing sprint.

Date: 16.-17.12.2023
Location: Jõulumäe Sports Centre


Exactly, we're bringing back the old and classic pursuit race! On Saturday, we'll compete in individual start freestyle, and on Sunday, we'll start the pursuit race in classic style based on the previous day's rankings.

Date: 13.-14.01.2024
Location: Alutaguse Sports Centre


Likely the most spectacular cross-country skiing competition. Participants will have to put all their skills and cleverness into the game to be faster than others on a track with various elements!

Date: 25.02.2024
Location: Vooremäe trails

Grande Mass-start Finale

Side by side and ski by ski, competitors will face off in mass start classic races at the final stage of the season.

Date: 10.03.2024
Location: Haanja Sports Centre

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years of the series

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Hawaii Express Youth XC Skiing Cup
Eesti Suusaliit

The Youth Cross-Country Skiing Cup is a competition series organized by the Estonian Ski Association.
For the 2023/2024 season, the project managers for the series are Tanel Ojaste, CEO of Karupesa Team, and Jaak Teppan, founder of Suusahullud.

Tanel Ojaste

Tanel is the leader and coach of Karupesa Team. In his free time, he teaches children physical education at Puhja School, goes fishing, and also engages in various sports activities himself.
Tel. +372 5125893

Jaak Teppan

Jaak is involved in infecting adults with the skiing bug at a club called Suusahullud. In addition to training, various competitions and events are organized. In his free time, he does some graphic design and builds websites.
Tel. +372 5153557
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